At Taurus, we can offer you a team of highly-trained and dedicated professionals.
- Form ADV Part 2 – Taurus will assist Client in completing and filing Form ADV Part 2 in connection with Client’s registration as an investment adviser, including assistance with the drafting of applicable brochure supplements.
- Form ADV Part 2B – Taurus will assist Client in completing Form ADV Part 2B (brochure supplements) in connection with Client’s investment advisor representative (“IAR”) registrations.
- State Specifics – Taurus will assist Client with applicable state investment adviser registration forms and filing requirements.
- Privacy Policy Draft – Taurus will assist Client in formulating and drafting appropriate privacy policies and procedures as required by applicable law.
- Code of Ethics – Taurus will assist Client in formulating a code of ethics setting forth the standards of business conduct expected of Client’s supervised persons and addressing personal securities trading activities.
- Policies and Procedures – Taurus will assist Client in formulating policies and procedures for compliance with the rules and regulations of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 or under applicable state law, tailored to Client’s business and nature of operations, including with respect to specific conflicts and risks.
- Advisory Agreement – Taurus will assist Client in the creation of advisory agreements for asset management and financial planning services.
- Cash Solicitor Disclosure and Agreement – Taurus will complete the necessary disclosure and agreements as well as registration requirements required pursuant to SEC Rule 206(4)-3 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (“Act”) that regulates the compensation of solicitors or referral fees.