Start-up FAQ

Anyone engaged or to be engaged in the investment banking or securities business of a member who will function as a representative shall be registered as such with FINRA, as appropriate, for the function to be performed, as specified in Rule 1032.

Registration requires a passing score (70%) on the appropriate qualification examination administered by FINRA. All such registered persons are subject to the supervision of an appropriately registered principal, as specified in Rule 1022. As with registered persons, principal registration requires a passing score (70%) on the corresponding qualification examination administered by FINRA.

Taurus Compliance Consulting, LLC includes an experienced staff and network of lawyers, accountants and Registered Principals who can either assist your firm’s compliance officer or serve in a full capacity on behalf of your firm to identify the appropriate licensing and registration requirements, pursuant to the products or services offered. Our services include but are not limited to:

  • Identify the Appropriate Registration Requirements
  • Open a FINRA Testing Window
  • On-line and Hard-copy Exam Training Materials
  • U4 Filings & CRD Updates
  • Character and Fitness Hiring Criteria

For more information on how Taurus can partner with you, call us on 1-888-963-9519.